Monday, September 15, 2008

The Chalk Incident

OK so Zac was home for lunch, and then he asked me, "what would you give me to eat a piece of chalk?" and I said, "Nothing! Why do you always ask me to give you something to do something totally stupid?" and he answers, "well do you dare me to do it?" and so I said, "okay, sure." So he did. Zac ate chalk. So I decided to document it with photos. Just looking back at the pictures makes me want to throw up all over again, and I wasn't even the one with the mouth full of chalk! So you decide for yourself... is Zac really funny or just really dumb? (Of course my vote is really funny, but I do think he may be missing a few brain cells to be willing to do this. Especially since he actually did it twice because he wanted another picture!)

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