Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer vacation: Johnson Family Reunion

This summer our main vacation was a trip to southern Oregon for my mom's side of the family. The trip was in June in southern Oregon near Grant's Pass, OR. We spent half a day driving up to the cabin, and got in about 10 o'clock and I was immediately pulled into the baby shower being thrown for my cousin Shannon. After that we stayed up and did a card swap; luckily for me, my mom made my cards for me, but I got some really great ideas for when I do some cards of my own!

The next day we had a very fun action packed day! The first thing we did was a very fun rafting trip down the Rouge River. We got these spray guns, and believe me we got our full use out of a $14 PVC pipe- pump squirt gun! We had a full on family war, and Kevin (Kayla's fiance) was quickly initiated into just how much fun our family really is!

After the rafting trip we drove back to the cabin for a shower and quick dinner before taking the hour and a half drive out to a zip line course. It was a lot of fun, although the regular zip line wasn't all that impressive, and the guides seemed more interested that we have "perfect form" rather than actual fun; however, the part after the regular zip line course was when the real fun began. We did what they call the "Tarzan Swing." Basically you are hooked into a harness, then that harness is hooked to a rope that pulls you 50ft straight up in the air where you hold onto a trapeze swing, and when they give the okay you let go and fall into a long pendulum swing. I'm not going to lie, I was absolutely terrified my first time! But the second swing was less scary and more fun. Zac loved every bit of it, as did my mom, and my sister had the oddest reaction, which was to laugh the whole swing. She actually got made fun more than me for her laugh than I did for my shriek of terror!

The next day Zac and I went with my parents, and Kayla and Kevin to a wildlife rehabilitation center and saw a lot of animals that had been saved and given a new home. We saw a raccoon, badger, cougars, wolves, black bears, a grizzly bear, all kinds of owls, eagles, and hawks, and a lynx. It was really cool and a lot of fun.
After the wildlife refuge center we drove south to the city of Ashland for the Shakespeare festival. We had a really nice lunch there and walked around admiring the cute charm of the town.
After that we drove back toward the cabin, but along the way we stopped for a little nature walk with my cousin Alysia, her husband Topher, and their little daughter Grace. It wasn't quite the "botanical garden walk" we thought it was going to be from the name, but it was pretty, and we had a nice walk.
The next day we cleaned up and packed up our stuff because it was time to check out of the cabin. But before we could leave we had to take some family pictures. No Johnson family reunion is complete without family pictures. Since Zac and I weren't able to leave until 2 days after the actual reunion started we missed the official whole family picture day, and it would depend on who you asked whether this was a good thing or bad thing. Much is of my family is a "bit" impatient and the whole picture taking session is only slightly less than torture for them. However, it was a shame that we didn't get to be in the big family picture. We did get some of us and my family though.
After that we drove a little north to go to Crater Lake National Park. Zac had never been there before, and even though I have, I was pretty young, so it was pretty much a whole new experience for both of us. It was very beautiful and scenic; however, the mosquitoes were in full force and were absolutely terrible! We drove to a few lookouts that night before we decided that we were done being mosquito bait. We went back to the campground and set up camp in my parents' cozy little trailer. Some other families joined us in the campground, and it was fun to get to spend more time with them. My cousins: Alan, Jen, and their two kids; Emily, Jared, and their 3 boys; Alysia, Topher, and their daughter; and Dacia, Joe, and their daughter, all camped at the campground with us. We all enjoyed taking shifts in the trailer for dinner, and trying to stay away from those pesky little bugs!

The next day our family decided to go for a hike down to the lake. We wanted to take the ferry out to Wizard Island in the middle of the lake; however, we didn't find out until we got all the way to the bottom that the ferry wasn't running for the season yet. Oh well. It was still a nice hike down, and I specify down, because it was a pretty steep hike back up that wasn't nearly as enjoyable for me! Although Zac said he actually prefers going up steep inclines, than going down steep inclines, so I guess it wasn't as bad for him, but he is also in better shape than me so he had that going for him as well!
After that we headed to the Visitor's Center where I found some very cute jewelry, then we headed to the showers that I was totally craving! I was covered in oily bug spray and desperately wanted a shower! Needless to say I was a much happier camper after my shower.
After that my family continued on northward, but it was time for Zac and me to head southward towards home. On our way home we managed to find the same Denny's that we stopped at on our first drive down from my parent's house when we first moved to San Jose, it was a fun little trip down memory lane. Over all it was a very fun trip even if it was too short and packed full! It was so great to see all my immediate and extended family! I love my family so much and I absolutely love getting to see all of them and spending time with them! I love that my family has these reunions every two years. Family is so important, and I love that my family values family so much to put forth all the effort and work that it takes to plan these reunions every two years!


  1. I was totally bummed you missed so much of the reunion. I hardly saw you at all! But I'm glad you at least got to come for some of it and that you had a lot of fun.

  2. I'm glad you guys had such a fun trip! We were bummer we didn't get to see more of you and Zac while you were there. Next time, you'll just have to tell Zac's boss where he can stick it. ;)

  3. Mow - you are so awesome! Love the story - want to update my blog too???
