Sunday, September 27, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Yes I realize that Labor Day was almost a whole month ago; however, I am lazy, and since I am pregnant, I will say it's justified. If I have to get fat and feel sick then I feel I deserve to use the pregnancy as an excuse for all my short comings. :)

Anyway for Labor Day we decided to go to Monterey and ride bikes. Since our bikes were stolen right off our patio and we haven't bought new bikes yet we had to rent some when we got there. We found a nice place and rented two bikes for half a day. However we realized that with how much it costs to rent a bike, we could just buy a new bike for the same cost as 2 or 3 full days of renting. So maybe we do need to just break down and buy some new bikes and get more use out of them!

The bikes were really nice, and actually very comfortable. However, since it has been forever since I've been on a bike I got sooooooo sore! Zac is a lot tougher than me, so he only mentioned that he was slightly uncomfortable, whereas I was almost in tears by the end of the ride!

When we got to Monterey we first had lunch at our favorite little restaurant, Louie Linguini's. Then we rented our bikes and set out to bike 17 mile drive. Of course we had to bike 5 miles or so just to get to where 17 mile drive started. So that added another 10 or so miles to the round trip.

The scenery was beautiful as always, and the weather was perfect! We couldn't have asked for a better day!

It was sunny and clear and the weather was cool enough that we didn't get hot while biking and warm enough we could wear short sleeves (usually it's kind of cool and overcast when we visit Monterey).

Of course Zac needed a picture in front of a golf course! I believe this is Spanish Bay Golf Course.

This is Spy Glass Golf course behind me.

This is the Lone Cypress tree out at the end of 17 mile drive.

We biked out to Pebble Beach and got a soda and ice cream as a reward for making it to the end. We sat and talked to a very nice (and slightly eccentric) older gentleman who told us his story of how he made it rich in the balloon business. After that we turned around and biked the 17+ miles back.

We saw this house along the way right near Pebble Beach and we thought it was so beautiful so we stopped to snap a picture. How rich do you think you would have to be to own this house? Oh very rich my friend, very, very rich. The person who owns this house is very lucky.

So about 1/2 way back I had to stop and I wasn't sure I could keep going! My butt hurt so bad, but even more than that my legs had cramped up so badly I wanted to cry! I pushed myself to finish, and Zac was surprisingly supportive (if the roles had been reversed I think I may have taken the opportunity to tease him) but Zac was very supportive and genuinely felt bad for me, so that motivated me to keep going.

So some 44 miles and 4 hours later we arrived back at Bay Bikes to return our bikes. I was so sore and my cramped legs continued to plague me the whole drive back, but as soon as I got home I took a couple of Tylenol and took a warm bath to soak my legs and I felt much much better! All in all the trip was a ton of fun and I am so glad we went! It was a beautiful day, I actually really enjoy biking (we just need to do it a bit more often so I'm not so out of shape), and it was great to get some good ole' fashion exercise (like I said, I've been lazy lately so I haven't been getting much of that in general).

If you've never biked 17 mile drive we would definitely recommend it! We had a great day off work!


  1. Sounds like a beautiful ride! Although I think Zac needs a new shirt... he's awfully attached to that Albertson's one!!

  2. Hey Mow - you don't even look pregnant! How is the little Peach? I like the new ditty you put on the side of your blog about both of you - so are you going to update my blog for me?

  3. You are so flipping cute! both of you...(I really just said that in case Zac is reading...really it's just you that's cute. :) - KIDDING! Zac's cute too.) I can't believe you biked that far! Are you nuts? Sometimes I'm not sure if we're related. :) I don't exercise now and I promise that once I'm preggo (YEARS from now) that I will not be working out. :) You're awesome Kira T. I love you!
