Friday, March 19, 2010

34 Weeks Pregnant

I hit 34 weeks pregnant on Ground Hog's Day, that is February 2 for those of you who don't care to know when this very special holiday takes place. It was right about this time that I finally hit the "puffy" phase of pregnancy, and I finally surpassed Zac in weight. It was awesome! It did wonders for my self esteem. And to make me feel even better my doctor confirmed that I was fat. Right about the time I puffed out I put on like 8 pounds in one week, and when I went into the doctor for a check up my doctor informed me quite bluntly that I needed to watch my weight gain. As it turns out I am pretty sure that it was just the water weight that made me really puffy that accounted for the rapid weight gain. My body was pretty weird during pregnancy, for some reason I always made these big jumps out of nowhere even though my eating habits never changed. I jumped 8 pounds in one week and then I didn't gain another pound for the rest of the pregnancy, and I honestly never did anything different week to week. All in all I gain 28 pounds with the pregnancy and that is safely within the healthy ideal range, so my doctor made me feel really badly about myself for no reason!


  1. What a rude dr!? Male or Female? If it was a male, I would've given him a piece of my mind!!! My sister-in-law gained a lot of "water" weight and her feet would get so puffy that you could actually push on them, and they would keep the impression for a few minutes. lol. At least you have the body type that I'm sure has already bounced right back! It took me 9 months to get my "pre-baby body" back...and I'm still working on it!

  2. Oh Kira, you seriously crack me up. Well, if it makes you feel better, I gained 45 pounds when I was pregnant! It is amazing how much of it is water. I lost 30 pounds within the first 2 weeeks of giving birth and I'm pretty sure none of it was fat - just water! Preganacy really does do weird things to your body. I can't wait to see this sweet baby. Post pics soon!
