Thursday, March 18, 2010

Zac's Birthday

I made Zac his favorite meal for his birthday dinner. Usually we go out for dinner, but since the National Championship game was on, and I knew Zac would want to watch it, we decided to stay home, and I would make his favorite meal, which is pot roast. Unfortunately Zac usually makes the pot roast, so I was nervous to make it since I had never made it before, but it actually turned out pretty good, almost as good as when Zac makes it.

Zac turned the big 2-8, does he look older and wiser?

I worked really hard on this cake, but it still turned out weird looking. I guess I'm not cut out to be a cake decorator, I should probably leave it to people with talent, like my Aunt Linda, she makes amazing cakes!

Zac was pretty excited about the gift he got from my parents. He loves the Office, and he got all the seasons! We have been watching them ever since and we are almost done, so I guess we will have to start back at the beginning soon.

I got Zac a Mario Golf game for the Wii, Zac has been wanting it for a long time.

All his loot, he made out like a bandit!
All in all I think he had a pretty good birthday!


  1. Happy birthday Zac! Although when I saw you posted, I was really hoping for pictures of your other little sweetie!!

  2. Whoa! That's a lot of "office." I guess now we know who to ask to borrow them when we need our fix. :)
