Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh The Ways A Baby Can Sleep

In the first couple of weeks Gabriella slept all the time, for long periods, and was pretty easy to get her to sleep, except at about 11 o'clock at night when we wanted to go to bed of course. Now she sleeps surprisingly well at night (6- 8 hours straight) but is up and a bit more fussy during the day now. So I am not as tired but I also don't get as much done because she always wants to be held. I was going through my pictures to see what was next to post and I realized that I had like a million pictures, and she was super cute in all of them, and she was also asleep, so I thought I would make a little montage of all of the pictures of her sleeping! I feel like this should be a Dr. Seuss book or something...

She loves to sleep in her car seat, with her hands in the air, and in her dad's arms... She likes to sleep in our bed...
In her bed...With her mom in bed...
With her mom on the couch...
With her sweaty gross mom on the couch after a workout...
With a boppy on a bed...
With a blanket on a pillow...
In a cute sandal shirt...
In a cute fishy outfit... Squished in her daddy's lap...
Squished in her mommy's carrier...
Oh the many ways a baby can sleep. And so cute in each and every different way!


  1. She is WAY too cute - I can't wait to see you again! I'm thinking she needs to sleep on her Grammie!

  2. I love when they sleep all the time...ahhh, it is nice. And they do sleep in the funniest positions. And she is so cute when she sleeps too! :)

  3. How come there are no pictures of her sleeping with a roo? Oh, wait, that's 'cause mom didn't take any pictures of me holding because she didn't want to ruin the cuteness factor by including me in the picture ;) That little girl of yours is so flipping adorable I can hardly stand it! And she does look incredibly squished in those last few pictures - what a funny little girl. I can't wait to play with her again!

  4. Kira, she is SOOO cute! I am so glad I got to hold her- I'm with Kayla, why aren't there pictures of her sleeping with her aunties?!?! :)

  5. You managed to get some really cute pictures Kira. She's super cute! I'm excited to see her again soon.

  6. those are such cute pics! she is definitely cute in every position!
