Sunday, April 18, 2010


Lucky for all you readers this blog is mostly pictures.
My parents came to visit. My parents loved holding her and cuddling her to sleep, it was wonderful to have them here, and they sure love being new grandparents. On another day my Aunt Colleen (my dad's sister) came to see the first grandchild of McKay blood.
And Zac's parents and his brother Dallin came to visit for a couple of days and they brought out our car that we bought last Thanksgiving. Gabriella is their 6th grandchild but you would think it was their first with how enamored they were with her!
We love having visitors so anybody and everybody is welcome any time, please come visit us! Gabbie wants to get to know everyone, so if you want a fun sun filled vacation come spend a weekend in San Jose, stay with us, and get to know little Gabriella!


  1. I really would come out there and visit if I could find a way! California would be sooo nice right you have a darling little girl I should see sometime :)

  2. That little Gabby seems to be getting cuter by the minute. Your invite sounds very tempting.... I love to cuddle new babies and CA weather is the best.... but it looks like we are booked solid until the end of May... We'll see what happens then. We do need to take a vacation from all our little vacations.

  3. Kira, she is SOOOOO cute!!!! I can't wait for Coop to meet his new cousin....just a few more weeks to go.

  4. what a cutie!! i love how enamored her grandma and grandpa are with her!!! grandparents are so wonderful!!! thank goodness for them and the help they give eh?
    such a cute little girl, i'm so glad you guys have had so many visitors!
