Friday, April 30, 2010

Photo Shoots

I did a photo shoot of Gabriella when she was 12 days old. She was actually very cooperative, she slept the whole time! Even through a lot of repositioning and outfit changes! She is super cute so be ready to contain yourself!

Then the next day we all did a family photo shoot together. What a cute little family we make!
Daddy and Daughter!
Mommy and Daughter!
I love my baby so much and I'm so glad she came to our family! Sometimes I look at her and I just can't believe I got such a cute little girl!


  1. Wow Mow - What cute pictures - I'm guessing a really incredible photographer took them!
    I want to print copies of them - can you send me them via yousendit??

  2. Very cute pics!! She is adorable, and I did have to contain myself. ;)

  3. I love the pictures! You and the meerkat did a great job! I seriously spent forever looking at all the pictures you sent me, she is so cute!!!! I'll try to get a scrapbook going for you in all my spare time...No, really I will try to get something started though.

  4. awesome pictures!!! you all look beautiful. esp. that little gabby!! she is so beautiful!!! thanks for sharing!
